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Aged Care

At Light Mind we are passionate about helping the elderly and we believe that all aged care residents have a right to receive psychological treatment. We offer the opportunity for residents living in care to spend time with a registered psychologist, allowing for the client to feel safe to talk.  Sessions aim to improve quality of life and to provide clients with strategies to manage their mental health or problem behaviour. 


Androulla is fluent in both English and Greek and can work collaboratively with family members during the consultation stage. This service can be free with a Mental Health Care plan from a GP. If you feel that your residents would benefit from a psychologist review, or feel they might benefit from speaking to a professional, please don’t hesitate in contacting Light Mind to arrange a time for us to visit.


We are passionate about helping children and adolescents. Support in school can be limited and it can be difficult for parents to organise psychological support. At Light Mind, we offer the opportunity for children and adolescents to see a psychologist at their school. We will work collaboratively with teachers and the wellbeing co-ordinator to ensure the best outcome for the student. This service can be free with a Mental Health Care plan from a GP.

For more information, please contact Light Mind. 


Light Mind offers wellness workshops and performance coaching aimed at improving not only the wellbeing of your employees but their development and performance as well.



Our health and wellbeing workshops can be delivered in various formats, including a one hour lunch session, half-day or full-day workshops. In order to be responsive to organisational needs, the topics can also be combined depending on the requirements of the organisation. 

Common Topics: 

Stress Management

Work/Life Balance

Building resilience and confidence in the workplace

Relaxation techniques including mindfulness meditation

Bullying Awareness

Performance and Coaching Psychology

These sessions are most effective on a one-to-one basis, or amongst a small group of up to 10 participants. They are based on psychological principles and designed to enable employees wanting to enhance their performance and skills. 


Common Topics:

Goal Setting and Performance Planning

Improving Motivation and Confidence

Effective Communication

Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills

Leadership Skills

Time Management 

Emotional Intelligence

Stress Management


Tuning Into Kids 


Tuning Into Kids is a 6 session parenting program aimed at helping children (ages 5 -12) understand and regulate their emotions. It teaches parents: 

- awareness and regulation of their own emotions

- awareness of their children’s emotions

- to use children's emotional experiences as an opportunity for closeness and teaching

- skills in assisting children to verbally label their emotions

- skills in assisting children in problem solving

- to guide children's behaviour with appropriate limits


For the next program details, please contact Light Mind. 

Tuning Into Teens 


Tuning Into Teens is a 6 session parenting program aimed at helping adolescents (ages 10-18) develop emotional intelligence. It teaches parents how to:


-understand and communicate better with their teen

-guide their teen to manage there emotions

-teach their teen how to deal with conflict

-help to prevent behaviour problems


For the next program details, please contact Light Mind. 

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